同轴圆筒旋转粘度计平衡法是测定原油粘度的主要方法 ,但常规的非密闭粘度测试系统在测定轻质原油粘度时 ,常常由于原油轻组份的挥发导致测试结果偏高 ,采用密闭系统测试则可解决这一问题 ,但密闭测试系统常因结构特殊而又产生较大误差。VT5 0 0 D10 0 / 30 0密闭粘度测试系统可测定高温高压下流体的粘度 ,从系统的结构、测试原理出发 ,分析其测量误差的来源 ,提出了用剪切率扫描的方法测试粘度 ,并进行了实例验证。结果表明 ,用剪切率扫描方法可明显提高VT5 0 0 D10 0 / 30 0密闭测试系统测定原油粘度结果的可靠性及重复性。
Rotational viscometer with coaxial cylinder sensor system is a major instrument to measure the viscosi-ty of crude oil. Generally, the measurement is made under the non-airtight condition, as a result, volatiliza-tion of the light component in the oil specimen will cause bias to the measurement results. Such problem can be solved by using airtight system. However,airtight system can also be used to measure the fluid viscosity under high temperature and high pressure. Error analysis is made based on the structure of the viscometer and the principle of measurement. A method of varying shear rate is brought forward to measure the viscosity of crude oil by using the VT500—D100/300 system. Significant improvement of reliability and repeatability of viscosity measurement is obtained by using this method.
Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation