
2018年地热勘探开发热点回眸 被引量:17

Summary of hot research topics in geothermal exploitation in 2018
摘要 2018年地热领域研究热点纷呈:世界各国在地热发电领域发展迅猛,中国面临着很大的机遇和挑战,地热勘查逐步走向精细化,地热开发逐步走向集约化,地热利用逐步走向综合化。地热成为地质界真正的热点,封闭式井下换热技术、采灌均衡地热评价技术、地热-太阳能等混合能源开发利用等方面相关技术和规范不断完善,在理论方面,地热开发过程与微地震的发生之间的机制认识更进一步,干热岩开发理论更加深入,此外,围绕地热流体的生态环境、微生物以及油田地热开发方面也呈现出创新性的见解。 This article samples the hot research topics in geothermal exploitation in 2018.With the rapid development of geothermal power generation in countries all over the world,China is facing great opportunities and challenges.Geothermal exploration is gradually refined,geothermal development is gradually intensified,and geothermal utilization is gradually integrated.Meanwhile,geothermy has become a real hot spot in geological field and relevant technologies and norms are constantly improved,for example,closed underground heat transfer technology,geothermal evaluation technology of balance in exploitation and reinjection,geothermal-solar energy and other mixed energy development and utilization.In theories,the mechanism between geothermal water exploitation and the occurrence of microseisms is further understood,and the theory of hot dry rock development becomes more thorough.In addition,innovative ideas in ecological environment and earth science around geothermal fluid are also presented.
作者 马峰 王贵玲 魏帅超 孙占学 MA Feng;WANG Guiling;WEI Shuaichao;SUN Zhanxue(School of Water Resources and Environment,China University of Geosciences,Beijing 100083,China;Institute of Hydrogeology and Environment Geology,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,Shijiazhuang 050061,China;School of Water Resources&Environmental Engineering,East China University of Technology,Nanchang 330013,China)
出处 《科技导报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期134-143,共10页 Science & Technology Review
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41602271 41741018) 中国地质调查局地质调查项目(DD20189112) 中国地质科学院水文地质环境地质研究所基本科研业务费资助项目(SK201501)
关键词 地热 井下换热 采灌均衡 增强型地热 geothermal underground heat transfer technology balance in exploitation and reinjection enhanced geothermal systems
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