
医学生就业态度调查 被引量:1

Investigation on Attitudes Medical Students Have towards Employment
摘要 目的:为了了解我院医学生的就业态度及影响因素,为今后合理开展毕业生就业指导,减轻就业压力提供科学依据。方法:采取整群随机抽样的方法,运用自填式问卷对我院部分大三、大四、大五年级学生进行问卷调查。结果:不同年级学生就业态度、就业心情、就业准备时间、对工作的态度、对就业因素的看法均存在差异(P<0.05);不同专业大学生对毕业后的期望、不同民族对专业的认同感及就业形势的看法之间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:医学生对当前就业形势的态度不容乐观,需要国家、社会、学校、家庭和学生的共同努力,从而减轻大学生就业压力,为其创造良好的就业环境。 Objective To understand the factors influencing the attitudes of college students toward employment. In order to provide scientific foundations for carrying out career guidance reasonably for college students and reducing the employment pressure.Method:Adopting the Self-administered questionnaire to survey part of three, four, five grade students in our col-lege. Results:Students in different grades differ from each other in respects of their attitude towards employment, employ-ment mood, preparation time, attitudes toward work, views of employment factors(P﹤0.05);Different majors' expectation after graduation, different national views on professional identity and employment situation have statistical significance.(P﹤0.05).Conclusion:The attitudes medical students hold on current employment situation is not optimistic. It is essential that school, society, family and the students themselves work together to reduce the pressure on employment of university students, thus, creating a good employment environment for the students.
机构地区 青海大学医学院
出处 《科教导刊》 2015年第10Z期186-188,共3页 The Guide Of Science & Education
基金 青海大学医学院教育教学研究项目 编号:qyjg-201305
关键词 医学生 就业心态 现况调查 Medical students Employment mentality Inventory survey
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