

Some Thoughts on the Current Graduate Education
摘要 本文阐述了当前研究生教育的现状和问题,从是否攻读研究生,研究生招收与录取,研究生的培养条件,研究生导师队伍建设,研究生教育与研究生的自我教育,研究生培养的最终目标等多方面来探讨当前研究生教育,为当前的研究生教育改革提供了新思路。 This paper describes the current graduate education present situation and problems, from whether to pursue a graduate student, graduate student recruitment and admissions, graduate cultivation conditions, the tutor team construction, self education of graduate education and graduate, Graduate final goals to bring multi aspects to explore the current graduate education, current research students education reform are put forward the new ideas.
作者 左小淑 徐旭
出处 《科教导刊》 2016年第7Z期29-30,共2页 The Guide Of Science & Education
基金 国家自然科学基金资助 项目号:11301402
关键词 研究生培养 研究生导师 研究生自我教育 graduate students training graduate tutor graduate students' self education
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