

On the Reform of English Teaching in Art Colleges
摘要 艺术类学生在学习英语过程中,容易犯下多种错误,通过对错误信息进行收集和整理,有助于艺术类学生更好地进行英语学习,为此,对艺术类院校英语教学进行改革,能显著提高学生使用英语的水平。通过对各类艺术学院学生的英语水平进行调查,发现艺术类院校英语教学模式还不够完善。为此,本文分析了艺术类院校英语教学弊端与改革存在的问题,然后结合调查问卷和访谈,综合研究英语教学产生问题的原因。 Art students in the process of learning English, easy to commit many mistakes, through the collection and collation of error information, help art students better learning English, therefore, to reform the Art College English teaching can improve the students' English level. Through the investigation of students' English proficiency in various kinds of art colleges, it is found that the English teaching mode in art colleges is not perfect. For this reason, this paper analyzes the problems in the teaching of English Teaching in art colleges, and then combines with the questionnaire and interview to study the causes of the problems in English teaching.
作者 庆格乐
出处 《科教导刊》 2016年第12Z期108-109,共2页 The Guide Of Science & Education
关键词 艺术类院校 英语教学 改革 art colleges English teaching reform analysis
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