

Teaching Attempt to Combine Psychology and Physics
摘要 本文从心理学的角度,分别谈及学习物理的需要与动机;培养概念形成、记忆等思维;关注学习过程的情感与意志三个方面。强调物理教学并不是孤立的、方法和技巧的教学,最本质的应该是基于心理的前提下,学习理念的教学。 This paper from the psychological point of view, talking about the need and motivation to study physics;training concept formation, memory and other thinking;attention to emotions and the will of the learning process in three aspects. Emphasis on physical education is not isolated, teaching methods and techniques, the most essential should be based on the premise of psychology, and teaching of learning philosophy.
作者 黄桂娥
出处 《科教导刊》 2014年第8S期172-173,共2页 The Guide Of Science & Education
关键词 心理学 物理教学 需要与动机 情感与意志 psychology physic teaching needs and motivation emotion and will
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