
大数据驱动下高校图书馆党建信息化的创新策略 被引量:5

The Application of Information Technology in Library of Colleges and Universities Party Building Work in the Big Data Era
摘要 通过分析高校图书馆党建信息化的现状和面临的现实问题,运用大数据创新党建信息化工作具有的精准性、动态性、个性化的独特优势,从提高思想认识、提升信息素养、加强顶层设计、建设数据中心、建立动态更新机制、整合党建和业务数据、建立健全党建门户等方面探讨大数据驱动下高校图书馆党建信息化的创新策略,是提升高校图书馆党建科学化、现代化水平的有益尝试,也是高校整体党建信息化的提升的有益探索和实践。 The paper introduces the background for the application of information technology in the Party building work of library of colleges and universities and its implications,and a new angle of view and space for improving the scientific level of party building big data provides,analyzes the current status and constraints in this regard,and puts forward the basic idea,operating mechanism and safeguards for this area of work in light of the current Party building practices and the characteristics of the big data theory.
作者 李兴 LI Xing(Party Committee Office of Shandong foreign Trade Vocational College,Qingdao,Shandong 266100)
出处 《科教导刊》 2019年第4期180-182,共3页 The Guide Of Science & Education
基金 2017年度山东省职业教育教学改革研究项目"智慧治理:大数据背景下高职院校内部治理创新与实践研究"(项目编号:2017503) 2015年度青岛市社会科学规划研究项目"媒体融合条件下我国主流意识形态建设面临的挑战与对策研究"(项目编号:211)的阶段性成果
关键词 大数据 高校图书馆 党建信息化 big data library of colleges and universities the application of information technology in Party Building Work
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