Universal design advocates the concern for vulnerable groups, the overseas foreign student groups also bel-ongs to a member of the vulnerable groups, they are not in the traditional sense of"vulnerable"groups, but in mental and physical suffering from pressure of cultural differences in foreign countries. But culture can be learned and dy-namic, people also has the initiative, so people in the face of the cultural situation changes in psychological adjustment and learning when it is cross-cultural adaptation. According to references in the recent years, as China is opening its enhance, the number of foreign students at rise year by year, and with the increasing of overseas students in China, the attention to the groups demand has not increased with it. In order to help this group better and faster integration into the local life, the general design range should cover to this group, to solve some of life's problems, eliminate group dif-ferentiation. This paper from the aspects of campus life, foreign students general design research, proposed to make it better adapt to campus life.
The Guide Of Science & Education
universal design
foreign students
survival design