
校企合作视域下开展高职学生就业指导服务的思考 被引量:1

The Thinking of Developing Employment Guidance for Vocational College Students under the Cooperation between Colleges and Enterprises
摘要 "校企合作"人才培养模式的深入推进对社会、学校、学生的发展均有重要意义,同时也为高职院校开展学生就业指导服务工作提出了新的要求。高职院校需借助校企合作资源共享和文化交流,积极创新学生就业指导服务机制,指导学生科学规划职业生涯,构建具有职业特色的特色校园文化,突出培养学生的职业可持续发展能力,大力推进学生创新创业指导实践体系建设,为社会源源不断地输送高素质劳动力和高技能人才。 The further promotion of talents training pattern is now based on college-enterprise cooperation which is of great significance to the development of society,colleges as well as students.However,it also proposes new requirements for employment guiding service for students in vocational colleges.These colleges can share resources and make cultural exchanges through college-enterprise cooperation.They shall take good chance of this opportunity to innovate the mechanism of employment guidance,help their students make scientific career planning,and create a unique campus culture with vocational characteristics.It is their focus to cultivate a sustainable capacity of students for their professional development.Accordingly,they shall speed up the construction of students' pioneering practice system,and foster high skilled labors and high qualified talents for the society.
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出处 《科教导刊》 2015年第07X期174-174,184,共2页 The Guide Of Science & Education
基金 2014年广东工贸职业技术学院院级重点专项研究项目"学生职业素养培养的路径与方法研究"(GDGM2014-ZZ-07)
关键词 校企合作 就业指导 高职学生 高职院校 college-enterprise cooperation employment guidance vocational college students vocational college
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