文章针对材料力学中的假设和概念,通过实例说明在应用型高校的材料力学课程的学习中引入商业软件Robot Millennium,利用其强大的绘图能力和计算速度,可以简化计算和绘图的过程,不但能够帮助学生理解,还能够使应用型高校的学生直观地了解到力学概念和假设在实际中的应用依据和例子,提高教学效率并提升教学质量。
Based on some concepts and assumptions in the course of Mechianics of Material for application universities, a commercial software named Robot Millennium is introduced in the teaching. Because of the singinificent drawing and com-pution, the process of optetation could be simplified. The software not only could do benefit for the understanding of concepts for undergraduted students, and also could be the supporting tool for some examples in practices, which could help the teaching efficient and quality.
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