状态机简写为FSM(Finite State Machine),是数字系统的重要组成部分。本文结合AD9822的工作特点,以AD9822的序列发生器的采样控制过程为例,分析了状态机产生毛刺的原因,讨论并比较了三种消除毛刺的方案,分别给出了调整编码消除毛刺和状态码直接输出消除毛刺这两种方案的VHDL源程序,利用Quartus II仿真,成功消除毛刺。
State machine- FSM(Finite State Machine), is an important part of the digital system. Combining ad9822,ad9822 sequence generator sampling process control as an example, analyzes the state machine burrs generated reasons,discusses and compares three burr elimination scheme are presented, and the code adjustment eliminate burr, and a status code directly output eliminating burr the two schemes of the VHDL source code, using the Quartus II simulation successfully to eliminate burr.
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