

A Case of Civil Law Caused by Lunch
摘要 民事法律崇尚诚实信用,推行公序良俗。民法的很多原理和理论首先应该是符合我们生活常识和日常生活逻辑的。不当得利制度的主要目的就是通过强制受益人将其欠缺法律原因的获利返还给受损人,从而平衡当事人之间的利益。纠正当事人之间不当的财产变动关系,防止任何人从其不法行为中获利,纠正利益失衡状态。因此不当得利制度的研习可以先从生活中的逻辑常识开始,小强盒饭案的研习正好体现了人民生活中所追求的公平正义价值与民法理论导向的法理价值的契合。 Civil law advocates honesty and credit, the implementation of public order and vulgar. Many of the principles and theories of civil law should be consistent with our life knowledge and daily life logic. The main purpose of the unjust enrichment system is to balance the interests of the parties by forcing the beneficiaries to return the profits of their legal reasons to the injured person. Correct improper property changes between the parties, to prevent any person from their wrongdoing, to correct the imbalance of interests. Therefore, the study of unjust enrichment system can start from the logic of common sense in life, Xiaoqiang lunch case study just reflects the people's life in the pursuit of fair and equitable value and civil law theoryoriented legal value of the fit.
作者 严利东
出处 《科教导刊》 2017年第11X期152-153,共2页 The Guide Of Science & Education
关键词 不当得利 责任自负 损人利己 利益返还 研习 Unjustified profit be at your own risk harm others to benefit oneself return of interest study
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