

Research on Public Opinion Field in the New Media Environment
摘要 伴随着智能手机和社交软件的大众化,新媒体环境快速形成与发展。新媒体环境下,公众对社会焦点事件的关注和参与机会与日俱增,民间舆论场成为事件舆论走向的重要推动力量。本文就新媒体环境下民间舆论场的时代背景、当前特征和引导路径进行研究,力争为民间舆论场的治理和社会正向舆论的形成提供理性的借鉴。 With the popularity of smart phones and social software, new media environment has rapidly formatted and developed. Under the new media environment, the public to the attention and participation opportunities of social focus events are increasing, and the public opinion field becomes an important driving force for the trend of public opinion.This paper studies the background, current characteristics and guiding path of public opinion field in the new media environment, and tries to provide a rational reference for the formation of public opinion field and the formation of socialism.
作者 王杨 石翠
机构地区 辽宁行政学院
出处 《科教导刊》 2017年第11X期166-167,共2页 The Guide Of Science & Education
基金 辽宁省社科联2017年度辽宁经济社会发展立项课题:lslktyb-094互联网微传播的舆情分析与治理路径研究 辽宁行政院校系统课题:xzyxkt2016007
关键词 民间舆论场 新媒体 特征 引导 public opinion field new media feature guide
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