With the specialization of technologies, open innovation will become the major innovation model replacing the traditional close one. Although competition pattern has not yet formed, patent thickets have already appeared in this complex technical field.Open patenting programs become one of the driving forces to promote the innovation and development of clean technology. We analyze the necessity of open patenting in clean technology at first. After comparing the main two open patenting experiences in clean technology, we conclude that open patenting program must give considerations to uniformizing the terms and conditions of the licenses as well as the degree of patentee to control of their patents. We propose it is possible to try some open patenting initiatives in China and we should adopt a license contract that combines a uniformizing the terms and conditions with the option of some license conditions to the will of patentees and the needs of specific sectors. Furthermore, establishing a good mechanism to admit the patents capable of achieving environmentally beneficial results and constructing the integrity system of the participants are two keys to success of open patenting program.
Science Technology and Law