

The X-ray image Segmentation Algorithm Based on Improved Canny Operator
摘要 当前,随着医疗技术的提高,各种医学成像手段在临床中的广泛应用,数字图像处理技术在医学领域的应用越来越广泛。但由于医学影像图像的复杂性和特殊性,将传统的数字图像处理技术直接应用于影像图像处理领域存在很多问题。本文针对经典的Canny算子应用于X射线图像分割中所存在的问题,提出一种改进的Canny算子。改进算法将动态阈值法应用于边缘检测的准则中,效地避免了由于使用固定阈值在X射线图像的边缘检测中所产生的边缘模糊或边界不连续性等问题。对比实验表明本文所提出的改进Canny算子对于X射线这类边缘模糊的医学影像图像检测效果较好,在临床中具有一定的实用价值。 At present,with the improvement of medical technology,various medical imaging methods are widely used in clinic.And the digital image processing technology is more and more widely used in medical field.However,due to the complexity and particularity of medical image,there are many problems in applying traditional digital image processing technology to the field of medical image processing.In this paper,an improved Canny algorithm is proposed to solve the problems in the application of traditional Canny operator to X-ray image segmentation.The improved algorithm applies dynamic threshold method to the criterion of edge detection,effectively avoiding the problems of edge blurring or discontinuity caused by using fixed threshold in edge detection of X-ray images.Experiments show that the improved Canny operator proposed in this paper is effective for medical image detection with blurred edges has certain practical value in clinic.
作者 弓明 曲蕴慧 廖尹坤 王鑫 扬伍连 GONG Ming;QU Yun - hui;LIAO Yin - kun;WANG Xin;YANG Wu- lian(Medical Technology Faculty,Xi’an Medical University,Xi’an Shaanxi 710021,China;Computer Teaching and Research Section,Xi’an Medical University,Xi’an Shaanxi 710021,China)
出处 《科技视界》 2019年第4期91-92,46,共3页 Science & Technology Vision
基金 陕西省大学生创新创业训练项目(2329) 西安医学院大学生创新创业训练项目(2017DC-22) 陕西省卫生健康科研项目(2018D078)资助
关键词 医学影像图像处理 边缘检测 CANNY算子 Medical image processing Edge detection Canny operator
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