基于全域旅游发展背景和贵州开展全省旅游资源大普查,以铜仁市行政区内两区八县中的131处旅游地为研究样本,采用城市中心距离法等旅游计量地理学方法,定量研究铜仁市环城游憩带的空间结构特征与布局。铜仁市环城游憩带的空间分布特征主要表现为:度假休闲和观光农业型旅游地表现为近城集中型,分布在0~60km范围内;自然景观型旅游地呈现资源主导型的远城分散型,分布在60 km范围以外;历史古迹型旅游地呈现资源主导型的远城分散型,分布在80~120 km范围内。铜仁市划分为“三圈五带”:江口核心圈、思南核心圈、万山核心圈;自然景观带,乌江峡谷带、农业休闲带,两条古迹追寻带。
With the trend that citizens from all walks of life throw themselves into tourism industry, and on the background that Guizhou Province conducts a general survey of all tourism resources and its Tongren City, famous with mountain resorts, applies for an approval of building world-class geological park,this paper carries out a quantitative study on the space structure of Tongren’s tourist spots. The author collects data from 131 scenic spots in Tongren’s 2 districts and 8 counties, and applies measurement methods such as measuring distance from the city center and ReBAM(Recreational Belt around Metropolis) theory. As the result shows, spots designed for holiday entertainment or designed with tourism agriculture mainly locate densely near the city, within 60 kilometers from the city center. In contrast, dominated by tourism resources’ distribution, most of the spots exploited on the base of natural scenery spread separately far from the city, beyond 60 kilometers from the city center, and spots containing historic sites mainly lies separately far from the city, ranging from 80 kilometers to 120 kilometers. Overall, tourism resources of Tongren City can be categorized into 3 core circles, programmed around Jiangkou County, Sinan County and Wanshan District and 5 belts including the belt made up of natural landscapes, the belt built along with Wujiang Gorge, the belt involving tourism agriculture and 2 belts connecting many historic sites.
Bulletin of Science and Technology
mountain tourism city
ReBAM theory
the spatial structure
Tongren City