
信息物理系统数据格式交换性能研究 被引量:7

Research on the Exchange Performance of Cyber-physical Systems Data Format
摘要 信息物理系统(Cyber Physical System,CPS)作为下一代智能感知系统,有效的将虚拟世界与物理世界进行融合,实现计算、通信、控制协同工作。CPS技术构成包括多方面,涉及军工、消防、交通、医疗等各大领域。由于CPS各节点间的数据传输存在规模性、动态性、异构性,选择一种合适的数据交换格式是提高系统传输效率的关键。目前数据间的交换多使用文本格式,针对XML、JSON的数据传输方式,其传输格式复杂,压缩文件体积较大,效率较低;相比较,Google推出的Protocol Buffer二进制传输格式在传输时效方面更具优势。本文主要以异构网关中不同格式的数据转换性能为研究重点,通过不同传输格式传输时效性的对比,并采用具有优势的Protocol Buffer方式对CPS系统数据进行封解包。 The Cyber Physical System(CPS)is a new generation intelligent system that integrates the virtual world with the physical world to achieve computing,communication and control.The GPS technical composition is related to military,fire,traffic,medical care and other major areas.The data transmission between CPS nodes is characterized by mass scale,dynamics and heterogeneity,so the key to improve the transmission efficiency of the system is to choose a suitable data exchange format.The current data exchange is generally in text format.The transmission format of XML,JSON is complex and relatively inefficient,and the compressed files are larger.In contrast,the binary transmission format Protocol Buffer introduced by Google performs better in transmission efficiency.In this paper,we mainly focus on the data conversion performance of different formats in heterogeneous gateways.By comparing the efficiency between different transmission formats,the more advantageous Protocol Buffer is employed to encapsulate and unpack the CPS system data.
作者 丁承君 崔欣 朱雪宏 冯玉伯 Ding Chengjun;Cui Xin;Zhu Xuehong;Feng Yubo(Institute of Mechanical Engineering of Hebei University of Technology,Tianjin 300132,China)
出处 《科技通报》 2019年第2期59-63,共5页 Bulletin of Science and Technology
基金 天津市科技支撑计划项目(14ZCDZGX00811) 天津市科技支撑计划(13ZCZDGX01200) 天津市科技支撑计划项目(15ZXHLGX00210)天津市产学研合作项目(14ZCZDSF00025) 天津市863成果转化项目(13RCHZGX01116) 天津市863成果转化项目(14RCHZGX00862)
关键词 CPS XML JSON PROTOCOL BUFFER 数据交换 时效性 CPS XML JSON Protocol Buffer data exchange timeliness
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