绥中 36 - 1油田是我国已投入开发的最大海上稠油油田之一 ,在 1993年到 1997年相继投产的 4座采油平台上 ,绝大部分油井采用电潜泵投产和生产 ,当前仍处于中低含水期。
SZ 36-1 oilfield is the largest one among the China offshore production heavy oilfields up to now. From 1993 to 1997, 4 production wellhead platforms had been put into use one by one. Most of the wells came into and kept production with electrical submersible pump, and they are still at low or medium watercut stage. This paper summarizes the experience on producing oil with electrical submersible pump during these watercut stages in SZ 36-1 oilfield in the recent years.
China Offshore Oil and Gas