本文分析了一次指数平滑模型预测法的计算原理、计算方法及其应用,该方法有易掌握、易操作、计算方法呈规律性等特点,在日常生活、生产及统计工作的预测研究中具有极其重要的作用,用Turbo c等计算机语言设计成程序后,可广泛应用于研究工厂生产的发展趋势,并对今后产值进行预测。该方法具有较高理论和应用价值。
This paper analyses computational principle, computational methodand its Application of the first index smooth model prophecy.Ar the sametime, itpoints out that this method is grasped and operated easily. After this methodis turned into the program by using computer languages such as Turbo C, to useit may study the intendency of productive development and prophecy. This paperhave the bettet theoretic and social values.
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