With the rapid advancement of technology, the accumulation of economic and technical development of electrical and mechanical equipment has been a rapid development, more and more of its applications, which necessarily makes electromechanical equipment occupies a very important role in the production of coal mine safety and position. Therefore, the problem of the existence of coal mine safety management and mechanical and electrical equipment is very important.Mining Machinery safety management is an indispensable part of the coal mine management, once the mismanagement, the light stoppage to be produced, causing heavy casualties and other major incidents. Therefore, the implementation of the production process in the coal mine safety management mechanical and electrical equipment, intrinsically safe coal mining enterprises, reduce accidents, protect the safety of the development of coal industry has a very important significance. This paper analyzes the main problems of Mining Machinery Management, proposes a coal mine equipment management mechanism and management methods, and equipment to make corrective measures.
Science & Technology Information
Mining Machinery
Equipment management
Equipment inspection system
Corrective measures