从总结和顺 110kV变电站绝缘在线监测系统试运行状况出发 ,随机抽取并分析研究了系统记录和存储的监测数据 ,肯定了在线监测技术在变电站电气设备绝缘监督上的功用。同时 ,研究发现监测记录中存在一些异常数据 ,通过对异常数据的分析 ,找到了系统在试运行中存在的一些问题和不足 ,从而提出变电站推广绝缘在线监测时应予充分关注的 5个问题。
The operation experience of the on-line insulation monitoring system in the 110kV Heshun substation is sumed up. The random data recorded by the on-line monitoring system are analyzed. The achievements of the on-line insulation monitoring technique using on electrical equipments. Some exception data are discovered in the records. Some shortages of the system during its test running are found by analyzing the records.Five problems the paper puts forword must be paid special attention to.
Modern Electric Power