文章首先对数据挖掘进行了概述 ,阐明了什么是数据挖掘 ,为什么要数据挖掘 ,如何进行数据挖掘以及数据挖掘的主要过程。接着介绍了数据挖掘中的一个重要算法——遗传算法。文章对遗传算法的产生与发展以及主要理论等进行了简要的介绍 ,提出了基于遗传算法的关联规则的提取方法。文章还结合作者单位的智能型学生管理系统 ,给出了用遗传算法进行关联规则挖掘的实例 ,并讨论了遗传算法所面临的问题与挑战。
Firstly,this paper comments data mining,explains what is data mining,why and how to do it,the main process of data mining and so on.Secondly,an important method genetic algorithms(GA)in data mining is introduced,and the origin,development,main theory and so on are briefly discribed.On this basis,this paper brings forward the algorithms based on the genetic algorithms of association rules.Associated with the Student Administration System,this paper gives the algorithms and program of mining association rule based on genetic algorithms.Lastly,this paper points out challenges of data mining,summarizes the work of this paper and the work in the future.
Computer and Information Technology