利用紫红短须螨 (Brevipalpusphoenicis)控制薇甘菊 ,是生物控制杂草的一种新方法。文章着重介绍了紫红短须螨的生物学特性及形态特征。卵椭圆形 ,长约 0 .10mm ,宽约 0 .0 7mm ,红色 ,多单产在植物茎叶的裂缝或凹陷处 ,或叶片背面的主脉两边 ,成块成串堆聚在一起。幼螨桔红色 ,长约 0 .17mm ,宽约0 .11mm。若螨 2龄 ,背上有黑色斑纹。雌成螨长约 0 .30mm ,宽约 0 .16mm ,身体椭圆形 ,扁平 ,多桔红色 ,背上有一个“H”形标记。紫红短须螨 1年 6~ 8代 ,世代重迭 ,从卵发育到成虫 ,恒温 30℃为 18.6d ,2 0℃为4 8.8d。当湿度低于 30 % ,平均温度高于 30℃或者低于 2 0℃时 ,紫红短须螨不能完成生活史。室内 11.0~2 8.5℃的自然变温 ,湿度 5 8%~ 97%条件下 ,紫红短须螨发育完成一个世代为 2 8~ 5 5d。
It is a new means of weed management applying to control Mikania micransa with Brevipalpus phoenicis . Its eggs are red, elliptical, about 0.10 mm long by 0.07 mm wide and deposited in cracks, crevices and other protected areas on the plant surface. Although each egg is laid singly, they often occur clustered together. Larvae are orange red, When fully grown they are opaque orange and 0.17 mm long by 0.11 mm wide. There are two nymphal stages and some black patches may be seen within the body. The adult female is approximately 0.30 mm long by 0.16 mm wide. The body is elliptical, flat, light to dark green or reddish orange. A black mark in the shape of an 'H' becomes visible. Generations are continuous in guangzhou, often overlapping. Based on laboratory studies there are 6~8 generations per year. The duration from newly laid egg to adult, requires minimum of 18.6 days at 30℃ and a maximum of 48.8 days at 20℃ under laboratory conditions, The mite cannot complete its life cycle at humidity below 30%, nor at average temperatures above 30℃ or below 20℃.
Forestry Science and Technology of Guangdong Province
广东省林业重点项目 ( 2 0 0 0 -0 1)
Brevipalpus phoenicis , Mikania micransa , biological control of weeds, biology