在叠后地震资料处理中 ,断层保护是十分重要的。共反射面元叠加是一种叠后去噪处理方法 ,该方法将三维叠后数据体中的一个面元的地震反射同相轴校正为水平同相轴后叠加在一起得到叠加道 ,用这个面元叠加的道数去除叠加道 ,得到平均叠加道。该平均叠加道就是该面元共中心点上的共反射面元叠加道。由于是“同相叠加” ,所以反射信号得到加强 ,随机噪声受到压制 ,有效地提高地震资料的信噪比。文章运用理论模型和实际地震资料证明 ,叠后去噪对断层有影响 ,共反射面元叠加对断层的影响很小 。
Faults protecting is very important during post-stack seismic data processing. Common reflecting stack is a processing method for noise elimination after stacking. The method corrects the seismic reflecting events of one cell in the post-stack 3-D data volume to horizontal events,and then stacks them together to get a stack trace. The events' number is divided by the stack traces in the cell to obtain the average stack traces, which are the common reflecting cell stack traces on the common midpoints of the cell. Since it is 'in-phase stack' , the reflecting signals are strengthened, the random noise is rejected and the signal noise ratio is improved effectively. Using the theoretical model and real seismic data, the paper demonstrates that post-stack noise elimination will influence faults but the common reflecting cell stack has little influence on faults. It is a useful noise elimination technique to protect faults.
Natural Gas Industry