
水稻盐粳187的群体植伤研究 被引量:3

Study on transplanting injury of Yanjing 187's populationin rice
摘要 给出了用于度量水稻群体植伤的一组指标:植伤持续期、植伤强度和相对植伤势。分析了栽插密度、施用N素对盐粳187群体植伤的影响,结果表明,栽插密度对盐粳187群体植伤影响不显著,而施用N素则对群体植伤有显著影响。 A series of indexes for measuring tra nsplanting injury in rice populatio n(TIRP)were gived in this paper as follows:D uration of transplanting injury(DTI ),intensity of transplanting injury(ITI )and relative potential of transplan ting injury(RPTI ).Effects of planting density(PD)and applying nitrogen(AN)on TIRP of Yanjing 187were analysed,the results were that the effect of PD on TIRP of Yanjing 187was no significance and t he effect of AN on TIRP was significan ce.
出处 《上海交通大学学报(农业科学版)》 2003年第1期13-16,共4页 Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Agricultural Science)
基金 江苏省"九五"农业重点攻关项目(B96073)
关键词 水稻 盐粳187 群体植伤 植伤持续期 植伤强度 相对植伤势 栽插密度 rice population transplanting inj ury(TI ) duration of TI intensity of TI relative potential of TI planting density applying nitrogen.
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