针对固体抗氧剂使用中存在消耗高、加注难度较大及溶解混合慢等问题 ,依据实验室试验的结果 ,在中国石油天然气股份有限公司乌鲁木齐石化分公司炼油厂两套催化裂化装置上进行了NS QG高效液体抗氧剂工业应用试验 ,结果表明 ,与原固体抗氧剂T 5 0 1相比 ,使用NS QG消耗降低 ,使用性能优于T 5 0 1,能够满足产品出厂要求 ,同时抗氧剂的选择应考虑汽油的来源。
As solid antioxidant has the disadvantages of high consumption, difficult injection and low dissolving and mixing capacity, NS QG liquid antioxidant with high efficiency has been commercially applied in the two FCC units of Urumqi Petrochemical Company on the basis of laboratory research result . The result shows that, NS QG liquid antioxidant is characterized by lower consumption and better performance, compared with solid antioxidant T 501 and the requirement of product delivery has been met. Furthermore, gasoline source should be considered for the selection of antioxidant.
Petroleum Refinery Engineering