ATHLET程序是德国核设施安全评审中心GRS开发的一个重要的反应堆热工水力学分析程序。它可分析除堆芯熔化事故之外的其他设计基准事故 ,可应用于美欧传统和先进的压水堆和沸水堆 ,原苏联设计的压水堆 (VVER)和石墨水冷堆 (RBMK) ,以及加拿大的CANDU堆等反应堆系统的热工分析。介绍了微机版ATHLET程序 ,并用它对 5MW低温供热堆自然循环稳态运行工况进行了计算 。
The thermal-hydraulic computer code ATHLET (Analysis of Thermal-Hydraulics of Leaks and Transients) is developed by the GRS (Gesellschaft für Anlagen-und Reaktorsicherheit) for the analysis of anticipated and abnormal plant transients, small and intermediate leaks as well as large breaks in light water reactors. Besides conventional and advanced PWR and BWR, the range of applicability is being extended to the Russian reactor types VVER and RBMK and Canadian CANDU. The PC-based version of ATHELT MOD 1.2A code was introduced in this paper and the analysis results of steady-state natural circulation for 5 MW low temperature heating reactor of Tsinghua University was reported. The comparison has shown that the calculation results agree satisfactorily well with the operational test data of 5 MW heating reactor.
Nuclear Science and Engineering