利用透射电镜 (TEM)研究了 1 4Ni3CrMoV锻钢正火 +回火后的微观组织。结果表明 ,该钢在正火过程中形成的以贝氏体为主的组织在高温回火过程中发生了明显变化。碳化物大量析出 ,分布均匀 ,大部分仍保持一定的方向性 ,显示原贝氏体铁素体板条的位向。局部存在铁素体 +球化碳化物类组织。
The microstructure of the wrought 14Ni3CrMoV steel after normalizing and tempering treatment has been investigated by transmision electron microscopy(TEM). The results show that the predominant bainitic microstructure, formed in the normalizing process, has changed distinctly after high temperature tempering. There are abundant carbides precipitated, distributing homogeneously in the matrix. Most of these carbides are arranged orderly, orienting the direction of the original lath bainitic ferrite. A constituent of ferrite and carbide exists in some region and the block residual austenite which is dominant in the normalized state is not found after tempering.
Development and Application of Materials