本文介绍了在“七五”期间研制的新型航空扫描仪系列以及配套的技术系统的情况。扫描仪 的工作波长已覆盖了从紫外到热红外的遥感窗口,其光谱分辨率也有了长足的提高,并已形成了波 段系列。飞机上与扫描仪配套的电子系统在多通道、高速传感、大容量和操作自动化等方面均取 得了进展,能采集记录定量化遥感据数和图像预处理、几何校正配准等工作所需的平台位置及姿 态等参数,并具备了尽可能灵活的配置和完善的功能;地面预处理系统则能提供快速的回放、处 理服务,能提供规格化的信息产品—计算机兼容(CCT)磁带、软盘和图片;在利用平台参数作 几何初校正之后,图像中像点的定位精度可达0.1′。
This paper presents the new series of airborne scanner and related systems which were developed in the last 5 years. The spectral resolution of the sensors has become higher and the installation of band is more complete and has formed series. The on board electronic devices have made progress on multiple, high speed, large content, automatic operation and flexible function. The ground pre-process facility provides fast reproduction, information transfer, process service and standard products. A fair technical system with complete units from getting data to standard products in multispectral remote sensing has been formed. Some recent applications are also introduced here.
Remote Sensing for Land & Resources