国际商会的INCOTERMS2 0 0 0中 ,对以往进出口清关手续的办理方做出了原则性的改变 ,在其引言的第 1 4款中 ,明确规定“清关手续由住所在该国的一方或其代表办理通常是可取的。因此 ,出口商通常应办理出口清关手续 ,进口商应办理进口清关手续。”这样 ,FAS术语下改由卖方办理出口清关手续。通过比较INCOTERMS2 0 0 0下的FAS与FOB、FCA术语 ,我们发现FAS与后二者的区别变小了。FAS术语继续存在的意义已不大。
In the INCOTERMS2000 of the International Chamber of Commerce-ICC, changes have been made about arranging party of the import & export customs clearance. In the Section 14 of its introduction, it states clearly that 'it is normally desirable that customs clearance is arranged by the party domiciled in the country where such clearance should take place or at least by somebody acting there on his behalf. Thus, the exporters should normally clear the good for export, while the importers should clear the goods for import.' In FAS, the seller should arrange the customer clearance. By comparing FAS, FOB and FCA under the INCOTERMS2000, less difference between FAS and the other two can be found and there is no reason for FAS to be used.
Journal of Yunnan Finance and Trade Institute