In this article some Feynman rules in the method of collectivc bag-quark current are given, and, by use of these rules, the zeroth-order transition matrix elements of various photon-hadron processes are obtained. Then the structure functions of nucleons and pions in the processes of deep-inelastic electron-positron annihilation are calculated. The time-like structure functions thus obtained have Bjorken scaling, satisfy Collan-Gross relation, vanish when x=q^2/2p·q<1, and ■_1■_1≥0, ■_2≡ν/M■_2≤0 when x≥1. All these characteristics are required by definition. Besides, a counting rule is obtained for the time-like structure functions, i.e., ■_1(x~1)∝(x—1)^(3N-2), which is quite symmetric with the one we obtained for the space-like structure functions.