在Windows 98/2000成为操作系统主流之时,为使驱动程序开发人员更好地利用新一代驱动程序模型WDM,开发了21世纪主流驱动程序。首先与其它驱动程序比较,介绍了WDM驱动程序模型及其特点,然后着重给出了开发WDM驱动程序的几种方法及相应实例,最后分析了各种方法的优缺点,并建议在驱动程序开发过程中使用美国Numega公司的DriverWorks和softICEt调试工具,以减轻工作负担。
Driver developers can develop the 21 centrury's leading drivers better by making use of the new generation's driver modal-WDM, at the time of windows 98/2000 becoming the majority in the field of windows operation. Comparing with other driver models, this paper introduced WDM driver and its feature, and then mainly presented several methods and their cases for building WDM driver, and at last, analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of all kinds of metheds. During developing drivers, Numega Co.'s driver works and softICE debugging tool are recommended in order to lessening its burdens.
Computer Engineering and Design