The experimental study on the lift/drag forces,pitching moment and tip vortices of a NACA23012 wing mounted with a Rearward Mini-TED at low Reynolds number is intro-duced.The influences of the flow structure to the aerodynamic characteristics of the wing are dis-cussed.The experiment was conducted in a low speed wind tunnel.The aerodynamic loads were measured using a 6-components transducer,and the velocity fields of the tip vortices were meas-ured by a seven-hole probe.The speed of free stream is 15 m/s,and the Reynolds number is Re =1.0 × 10 5 based upon the chord length of the wing.Compared with those of the prototype NACA23013 wing,the lift force of the one with Rearward Mini-TED wing increases significantly and the stalling angle of attack decreases.The Mini-TED leads to a slight increase of the drag force at the small angel of attack and a significant increase for larger angle of attack compared to that of prototype NACA23012 wing.The lift-to-drag ratio is larger than that of the clean NACA23012 wing at higher lift coefficient range.Meanwhile,the nose-down pitching moment is increased due to the downstream shifting of the aerodynamic center,the stability of the wing is improved at higher angle of attack.The high pressure distribution on the lower wing surface caused by Mini-TED leads to the increasing of intensity of the tip vortices,and the down-wash flow is enhanced,as a result the induced drag as well as the total drag are increased.
2015年第3期338-344 366,366,共8页
Acta Aerodynamica Sinica