
CARDC激波风洞TSP技术研究进展 被引量:13

Development of TSP technique in shock tunnel of CARDC
摘要 从基本原理、关键技术和验证应用三个方面总结了近两年在中国空气动力研究与发展中心激波风洞中开展的温敏涂层(TSP)技术相关研究工作。通过解决快速响应温敏发光材料研制、模型研制、数据处理等一系列关键技术,完成图像采集系统、光学系统及标定系统的配套和系统集成,建立了一套适于激波风洞试验的高速TSP测量及标定系统。该技术可在激波风洞试验中获取模型被测面温敏涂层的发光图像,基于该图像可以直接观察模型表面热流分布和捕捉峰值热流的准确位置。结合温敏发光材料的物性参数标定数据,能够实现对模型表面热流的定量测量。不同于传统的传感器点热流测量技术只能得到模型表面有限数量的离散点的热流值,TSP技术能够以高空间分辨率得到较大面积区域的详细热流分布信息,可更加全面的测量模型外表面的热环境,并且可以据此进一步分析和辨别边界层流态以及确定边界层转捩位置。试验对比表明,TSP技术的测量结果与点热流传感器的测量结果具有良好的一致性。目前该技术已趋于成熟,在Φ2m和Φ0.6m激波风洞上成功应用于边界层转捩研究、局部干扰区热环境研究和复杂外形飞行器热环境研究等领域,已成为激波风洞除点测热技术之外又一重要测热技术。 Recent research progress of the TSP(Temperature Sensitive Paint)technique in China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center(CARDC)is summarized in the respects of fundamental principles,development of critical technology and its applications.A series of critical techniques have been developed including the dynamic temperature-sensitive luminescent material,the model construction and the data processing.A system integration has been collocated for the image acquisition system,the optical system and the calibration system.The TSP technique becomes increasingly suitable and practicable to be used in shock tunnel due to the measurement and calibration system.With the high spatial resolution images,the TSP technique could show the heat-flux distribution of main surface area of a vehicle.According to the detailed information of heat transfer,further data analyses can be actualized such as differentiating flow pattern and pinpointing transition location of boundary layer.Furthermore,the results of TSP technique are in good agreement with that obtained by conventional point sensors measurement.The TSP technique has been successfully applied in the experiment research on the boundary layer transition,the aerothermal environment in local interference regions and the heat-transfer on hypersonic vehicles with complex configurations.Currently, TSP technique has been developed as an improvement of heat-transfer measurement method in addition to the traditional discrete point measurement method in CARDC.
出处 《空气动力学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期738-743,共6页 Acta Aerodynamica Sinica
关键词 温敏漆 热流 激波风洞 传感器 图像 数据处理 边界层 temperature sensitive paint heat transfer shock tunnel sensor image data processing boundary layer
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