根据所处国际体系的不同 ,日本自立国以来的外交大致可划分为三个时期 :一是朝贡体制时期 ,二是从明治维新到二战时期 ,三是冷战时期。在不同时期 ,日本针对国际体系的变化做出了不同的选择 ,但是其中又存在着共性。这些共性既源于日本的地缘政治地位 ,也源于它的历史、文化背景 ,更受到国际体系强有力的制约。
Since its foundation,Japan has undergone three periods of diplomatic history,that is,the tributary system period,the period from the Meiji Restoration to World War II,and the Cold War period.This classification is based on the changes in the international political system;in accordance with such changes,Japan had to make a series of diplomatic choices.Despite the differences in Japan's diplomacy,we can see some underlying common features, which are determined by Japan's geopolitical status,its historical and cultural backgrounds,as well as by the strong influence of the international political system.These common features provide us with a new perspective to analyze Japan's current diplomacy.
World Economics and Politics