哈萨克牛 Tf、Ptf、Alb和 Pa等 4个蛋白位点分别有 4、2、2和 3种表型 ,分别受 3、2、2和 2个共显性等位基因支配。应用最小二乘法拟合线性模型 ,研究 4个蛋白位点的基因型与哈萨克牛体尺性状间的关系 ,结果表明 ,在胸深性状上 ,Tf AE型的 LSE值显著高于 Tf DE型的 LSE值 ( P<0 .0 5 ) ;在胸围性状上 ,Tf AE型的 LSE值极显著高于 Tf DE型的 LSE值 ( P<0 .0 1 ) :对于胸深性状 ,Ptf AA型的LSE值显著高于 Ptf AB型的 LSE值 ( P<0 .0 5 ) ;在腰角宽性状上 ,Alb AA型的 LSE值显著高于 Alb AB型的 LSE值 ( P<0 .0 5 ) ;对于臀端高性状 ,Pa AA型的 LSE值极显著高于 Pa AB型的 LSE值 ( P<0 .0 1 ) ;对于十字部高性状 ,Pa AA型的 LSE值显著高于 Pa AB型的 LSE值 ( P<0 .0 5 )
The number for phenotypes of four protein loci, including Tf,Ptf,Alb and Pa in Hasake cattle is 4,2,2 and 3,which is controlled by 3,2,2 and 2 condominant allies respecticely. Those protein loci were associated with performance traits by using least square linear model,least square effect(LSE) value of Tf AB phenotype in heart girth is higher than that of Tf DE phenotype( P <0.05),LSE value of Tf AE phenotype in heart girth is more than that of Tf DE phenotype( P <0.01);LSE value of Ptf AA phenotype in chest depth is higher than that of Ptf AB phenotype( P <0.05);LSE value of Alb AA phenotype in hip width is higher than that of Alb AB phenotype( P <0.05),LSE value of Pa AA pheontype in pin bone height at hip cross is higher than that of Pa AB phenotype( P <0.01):LSE value of Pa AA phenotype in height at hip cross is higher than that of Pa AB phenotype( P <0.05).
Journal of Yellow Cattle Science