
基于JavaScript的生物信息学分析系统的优化和扩展 被引量:1

The extension and optimization of the system for bioinformatics analysis based on JavaScript
摘要 对基于JavaScript的SMS核酸和蛋白质序列分析系统进行了改进,汉化并优化了系统界面,对系统中多序列同源性分析和引物搜索设计进行了较大幅度的改进,以提高精确度和实用性,增加了基于JavaScript的蛋白质理化性质曲线分析功能。为生物信息学和生物序列研究提供了更为有效的工具。 The SMS system for nucleic acid and protein analysis based on JavaScript was progressed with Chinese version and optimal interface. In order to increasing the accuracy and practicality, the functions of alignment and primer design were improved. New function to draw physical and chemical analysis plot of protein was added. This system provides more wieldy tools for bioinformatics and biomolecular sequences research .
出处 《计算机与应用化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第1期49-51,共3页 Computers and Applied Chemistry
关键词 生物信息学 序列分析 优化 JAVASCRIPT bioinfonnatics sequence analysis optimization JavaScript
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