介绍了一种用于实现复杂场景高品质实时渲染的新算法。已有的研究表明,基于传统几何图元的渲染技术必然涉及到大量的求交与消隐计算,而这正是实现实时绘制的瓶颈所在。利用OpenGL虽然可以实现实时绘制,但这是建立在Z-Buffer技术的基础上,并且将场景尽可能地简化来实现实时绘制的一种基于传统几何图元的绘制技术。这样渲染而得的图像质量很低,很难再现纹理及材质的特殊光照效果。笔者将图像与体图形学技术相结合,研究并实现了基于表面元素(Surface elements, 即Surfels)的渲染技术,避免了耗时的求交计算,因此大大提高了复杂几何场景的绘制时间。又因为surfels中包含完整的材质属性和纹理信息,从而确保了在快速重绘时的图像质量。
The article present a new algorithm suitable for real-time and high quality rendering of complex objects. The classical algorithm, Geometry-Based Rendering, will spend plenty of time to calculate the points of intersection. This is the bottleneck of GBR. Though we can realise real-time rendering by OpenGL, the image quality of scene is lost. Unlike classical render technology, i.e. triangles or quadrilateral meshes, Surfels (Surface elements) are surface discrete point primitives with shape and shade information. During re-rendering, visible surfels are shaded using some illumination such as Phong illumination. Surfels with shape and shade information offer complex shape, low rendering cost and high image quality, which makes real-time rendering should be enable.
Journal of Engineering Graphics