针对当前工程制图CAI课件类型单一、网络课件相对滞后等缺陷,从画法几何及工程制图教学的实际需要出发,以课程中的三大主要内容,即“画法几何”、“制图基础”、“机械制图”为教学目标,设计开发了基于网络的工程制图助学型CAI 系统。介绍了系统的总体构成、设计制作工具和系统实施的主要技术策略。
The type of recent courseware of Engineering Drawing are unitary. The research on web based courseware is not enough. In order to overcome the above shortcomings and to meet the needs of instruction of Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Drawing, an Internet based CAI system for study of Engineering Drawing is developed. The main contents of this system, including Descriptive Geometry,foundation of drawing and Mechanical Drawing,are presented in this paper. The system construction and the tools and main techniques for developing the system are also discussed.
Journal of Engineering Graphics