
SMCC矿石粉磨流程计算和设备选型介绍 被引量:2

Introduction of SMCC technology for calculation of mineral comminution circuit and sizing of equipments
摘要 建立一套完整有效的矿石粉磨流程计算和设备选型技术体系对选矿项目的设计和运行有着至关重要的作用。S.Morrell博士经过多年的研究,建立了一整套矿石粉磨回路计算技术体系,即SMCC技术。笔者主要介绍了SMCC的技术架构和技术参数,以便相关技术人员了解SMCC的技术范畴、应用范围以及有效性。 To build a set of complete and effective technological system for calculation of mineral comminution circuit and sizing of equipments was vitally important for design and operation of benefi ciation project. After studying for years, S. Morrell built a set of technological system for calculation of mineral comminution circuit that was SMCC technology. In the paper, SMCC technology was introduced about its frame and parameters, thus related technicians could understand the technological scope, application range and effectiveness of SMCC technology.
出处 《矿山机械》 北大核心 2014年第8期75-78,共4页 Mining & Processing Equipment
关键词 矿石粉磨 SMCC 数据库 流程计算 设备选型 mineral comminution SMCC database circuit calculation sizing of equipment
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