图书馆利用计算机网络进行编目是时代的需要 ,是实现文献资源共享的基础。它免除了众多图书馆在编目工作上的重复劳动。特别是通过CNMARC的应用 ,极大地提高了书目检索的查全率和查准率。当然 ,它同时也还存在一些不足 。
It is the needs of times that the library uses the computer network to be made a catalogue, and is the foundation realizing the document resource sharing.It has prevented the repeatedly work in catalogue work of multitudinous libraries. The especially application by way of CNMARC has very biglyly raised the recall factor and pertinency ratio of booklist retrieval .Certainly,it yet exists at the same time some shortcomings,and need to wait for the standard with perfect.
The Library Journal of Henan