张若虚《春江花月夜》的主体意象"月亮"在规定性的具体语境中,展示出多重的象征系统:明月高悬,创造出晶莹澄静的审美意境,启发了诗人 绝宏大的天问意识,也唤醒了青春初醒的自我意识,同时也代表了月系两地的相思怀念,成为诗人孤独失意的情感象征。《春江花月夜》一诗高度综合了中国诗人有关月亮的思考和诗意创造,因此备受世人喜爱。
The moon,the subjective symbol in ZHANG Ruoxu's 'ChunJiangHuaYueYe' has diversified symbols in specific context.The moon,high in the sky,which creates a pure cystal-like mood of literary work,arouses the youth's self-awareness,lovesickness and therefore acts an the poet's emotional symbol of loneliness and frustration.This paper studies reasons for formation of the diversified symbol system of the moon in'Chun Jiang Hua Yue Ye' which highly summarizes chinese poets' thinking on the moon and their poetic creation.
Tangdu Journal