从正式走上革命道路开始到辛亥革命爆发前 ,孙中山就一直将海外华侨作为其革命的主要依靠力量。他不仅全力发展海外革命组织 ,创办革命报刊 ,而且以华侨为其革命事业的主要财政支持。事实上 ,正是主要在华侨的财政支持下 ,孙中山及其革命党人开展了一系列的革命活动。但是华侨的力量毕竟有限 ,孙中山长期忽视国内的革命力量 ,给革命造成不利影响 ,尤其是财政困难直接导致了辛亥前 1 0次武装起义的旋起旋灭 ,更导致了同盟会内部的分裂。孙中山之所以视华侨为其革命的主要依靠力量 ,根本原因在于孙中山的华侨出身使他对中国国情缺乏了解 ,使他认识到华侨的革命要求 。
Since he decided to be engaged in revolution, Sun Yatsen had taken overseas Chinese as the main support to his revolution. He not only, with his whole efforts, developed revolutionary organizations as well as revolutionary newspapers and magazines among overseas Chinese, but also financially depended on them. In fact, it was under the overseas Chinese financial support that Sun Yatsen and his comrades carried out a series of revolution activities. However, overseas Chinese power was rather limited, negative effects had been imposed on the revolution because Sun Yatsen just neglected the revolutionary power at home. In particular, financial difficulty had directly caused the failure of the 10 upsurges before the revolution of 1911, and the splitting of the United League as well. The reason that Sun Yatsen just regarded overseas Chinese as the main support was essentially because he himself was an overseas Chinese, which made him know little about conditions inside China. He knew the overseas Chinese request for revolution, but failed to realize the great revolution power of the people at home.
Journal of Central China Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences
Sun Yatsen
overseas Chinese