玉米是黑龙江省主要的粮食和饲料作物 ,也是重要的工业原料 ,虽播种面积占全省农作物总面积的 2 6% ,而总产则占全省农作物总产量的 4 0 %以上 ,玉米在我省农业生产中占有举足轻重的地位。本文通过对黑龙江省玉米的优劣势分析 ,针对入世后我省玉米生产面临的挑战 ,从玉米生产的布局 ,玉米育种目标的变化调整等方面 。
Maize is leading crop used in food, forage and industry material in Heilongjiang province. It's planting area occupy 26% in the whole crops' area in Heilongjiang, and it's output occupy 40% in the total production of crops. So maize production take a very important role in the agriculture production put forward the countermeasure in the aspects of the adjustment of production distribution, the breeding aim to the new challenge after join into the WTO.
Heilongjiang Agricultural Sciences