
利用海蓬子和碱蓬修复滨海湿地污染研究进展 被引量:16

Research Progress on Restoration of Pollution of Coastal Wetlands Using Salicornia europaea and Suaeda salsa
摘要 由于沿海开发、滩涂围垦、陆源污染、海水养殖、临港工业等引起的滨海湿地功能衰退和污染问题,使得应用耐盐植物修复滨海岸生态环境备受瞩目和重视,利用耐盐植物进行生态修复已成为改良滨海盐碱地的重要措施之一。海蓬子(Salicornia europaea)和碱蓬(Suaeda salsa)是两种典型的藜科(Chenopodiaceae)盐生植物,它们簇生于滨海湿地,是陆地向海岸延伸的优势群落。综述了海蓬子和碱蓬在盐碱诱导下的生理响应及其耐盐机制、对重金属的富集规律、修复水体有机污染物和富营养化的潜力,并预测了两种盐生植物在生物修复技术上的发展趋势,以期为今后滨海湿地生态修复提供理论依据。 The salt-tolerant plants win high-profile attention in coastal ecological restoration and become one of the effective and important measures to mend salinity coastal for the functional decline of coastal wetlands and pollution problems caused by coastal development, beach reclamation, land-base pollution, aquaculture,port industry. Salicornia europaea and Suaeda salsa clustered in coastal wetlands are representative and dominant communities of halophytes belonging to Chenopodiaceae family from land to coast. Based on the review of the physiological response and salt-tolerant mechanism of Salicornia europaea and Suaeda salsa induced by salinity, the law of heavy metals enrichment, degradation of organic pollutants and reduction of eutrophication, the trend of bioremediation technology and the theoretical basis for restoration of the coastal wetlands in the future are pointed in the two halophytes.
出处 《湿地科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期518-522,共5页 Wetland Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31071856) 宁波市2014年度社发领域科技攻关项目(2014C50057) 宁波市软科学项目(2014A10007) 浙江省重中之重学科项目(ZS2013001 CX2014007)资助
关键词 植物修复 滨海湿地 污染 海蓬子 碱蓬 进展 phytoremediation coastal wetland Salicornia europaea Suaeda salsa progress
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