

Research on Semantic Conflicts in Geosciences Data
摘要 当前地学数据交换中心基于元数据的发现模式存在着两个潜在的语义冲突问题。即,单一关键词字符串匹配的功能缺陷,和空间信息(如地名)语义转换困难。针对这些问题,本文引入本体的理论和方法,分析本体与元数据的关系,从技术和方法两个角度提出了相应的解决方案。以地学数据交换中心为场景,研究了RDF的数据查询解析技术,利用Jena API实现RDF到SQL的查询转换;提出了空间信息语义转换模型,着重分析了中国地域区划的语义关系。本文的研究是非常初步的,但是目前的进展已充分证明了本体是解决元数据发现语义冲突的有力工具。 Geosciences clearinghouse uses metadata to navigate and discover distributed datasets according to the user query requests.Related researches and analyses have shown that there are two kinds of semantic conflicts caused by the traditional metadata query model.One is the problem of the string match of keywords;another one is the spatial information semantic transform.The paper imports ontology and relative techniques to deal with these problems.Designed semantic solution is composed of three parts according to the potential semantic conflicts proposed.Firstly,the RDF query engine is researched and developed to convert the query from RDF to SQL.Secondly,designs a metadata semantic reasoning framework based on Jena API.Thirdly,establishes a semantic transfer model for geosciences spatial data query taking the China administrative region as a case.
出处 《科研信息化技术与应用》 2008年第1期50-54,共5页 E-science Technology & Application
关键词 元数据 数据发现 本体 语义冲突 数据共享 Metadata Data discovery Ontology Semantic conflict Data sharing
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