
无执政党的政治:后苏联俄罗斯政党制度的变迁 被引量:14

Politics without a Ruling Party: Changes in the Post-SovietUnion Russian Political Party System
摘要 政党政治是现代国家政治的一个重要现象 ,而现代政党政治的核心 ,是政党通过争取成为执政党、掌握国家政权来实现党的政纲和政策。但当代俄罗斯政治发展的一个重要现象 ,恰恰是“无执政党的政党政治”。这种政治逻辑根植于俄罗斯的历史—社会—文化条件中 ,是其政治转型过程的必然 ,但它既与现代政治文明的发展相背离 ,又不利于俄罗斯的政治整合和民主巩固。一年多前正式出台的《政党法》在多大程度上完善俄罗斯的政党体系和政党政治 。 Party politics is an important phenomenon of politics in modern countries.The core of modern party politics is to strive to be the ruling party and hold the state power so as to realize the party's political program and policies.An important phenomenon in the development of the contemporary Russian political development is exactly the logic of “party politics without a ruling party”.This kind of political logic is rooted in the historical,social and cultural conditions in Russia,and is the inevitable outcome of Russia's political transformation.It runs counter to modern political civilization and does harm to the integration of politics and the consolidation of politics.But,to what extent the “political party law”,formally enacted over a year ago,can improve the Russian political system and party politics still remains unknown.
作者 唐贤兴
出处 《复旦学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第2期77-83,99,共8页 Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)
关键词 政党政治 执政党 《政党法》 民主政治 俄罗斯联邦 party politics, ruling party,“Political Party Law”,democratic politics,Russian Federation
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