目的 了解武警部队35岁以上人群超重率和肥胖率的现状。方法 采用随机整群抽样法抽取24个调查点,共3844人为调查对象,根据中国成人BMI分类标准,以BMI 24~27.9kg/m^2为超重,BMI≥28kg/m^2为肥胖,分别计算超重率和肥胖率。结果 超重率和肥胖率分别为46.48%和7.7%,与既往国内外资料比较均有增高。结论 武警部队35岁以上人群超重率和肥胖率较高,应采取积极干预措施。
Objective To investigate the prevalence of overweight and obesity in armed police aged 35 yr and over. Method By random cluster sampling,4209 subjects enrolled from 24 units were investigated through face to face questionnaire.The crieteria of overweight(24 - 27. 9 kg/ m2) and obesity (≥28 kg/m2) based on classification strata of body mass index for Chinese adults were employed. Results The prevalence rates of overweight and obesity were 46.8 % and 7.7% reyecti vely. The percentage of overweight in the age group 35 - 45 years was the lowest , while the that in the agegroup over 45 increased significantly,compared with the past data ,and was ten times the rate for the youngest agegroup. Conclusion The percentages of overweight and obesity in the armed police aged 35 and over have increased in comparison with the past data,and interven is necessary.
Medical Journal of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force