我所在的ILHA SOLTEIRA是属于巴西圣保罗州的一个很小的城市。据说圣保罗是全球第四大城市,而且有着南美洲金融中心之称,而我所在的这个小城市似乎和这全球第四大城市完全不搭边。我所在的圣保罗州立大学孔子学院的总部位于圣保罗市,而我们这里是孔子学院下属教学点中距离圣保罗市最远的一个点。
I stayed in Ilha Solteira,a small town in Sao Paulo State,Brazil.The city of Sao Paulo is the fourth largest on Earth,regarded as the financial center of South America.But the little town where I stayed seemed to have nothing to do with this metropolis.The headquarters of the Confucius Institute at the University of Estadual Paulista,is located in the city limits.But among the teaching sites governed by the headquarters,the farthest from Sao Paulo,where I worked,takes a painstaking 20 hours to get to and back from,almost as much time as it would take for me to return to China.
Confucius Institute