目的 :通过建立大鼠急性脑梗死动物模型 ,观察不同剂量新型脑安胶囊与阳性药物 (尼莫地平 )对大鼠急性脑梗死行为和病理的影响。方法 :各试验组的大鼠在术后清醒 (术后 1h及 2 4h) 2次给药 ,观察实验大鼠行为(术后 1h及 48h)改变和第二次给药后 2 4h(术后 48h)大鼠脑组织病理切片的变化。结果 :给新型脑安胶囊及阳性药物后的大鼠行为积分明显低于对照组 ,且脑部病理组织损害明显轻于对照组。结论 :新型脑安胶囊和脑安胶囊对大脑中动脉阻断所致的急性脑梗死大鼠的行为损害具有明确的缓解治疗作用 ,对大脑中动脉阻断所致的急性脑梗死大鼠的脑的病理损害具有保护和减轻作用。
Objecttve:By setting up acute cerebral infarction(ACI) model in rats to study effects of the action and pathology in ACI rats with different doses of naoan capsule(new type) Methods:To obseve actions( at 1 h and 24 h after operation) and examine sections of cerebral pathological issues(at 48 h after operation) in rats with administration of medicines(at 1 h and 24 h after operation) Results:The tolal score of actions for naoan capsule(new type) group was lower significantly and the degree of cerebral pathological injury was lighter compared with operation group Conclusion:Naoan capsule(new type) had obviously therapeutic effects on rats with action obstacle caused by cerebral ischemia after acute middle cerebral artery occlusion in rats and can reduce pathological injured degree of cerebral issues The effects of naoan capsule (new type) on rats model of acute cerebral infarction was significent than naoan capsule
Shandong Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Naoan capsule(new type)
cerebral infarction(CI)
behavior science